Apache Karaf on the crossroad of IoT and Java

Mateo Rulli from Flairbit.io gaves an amazing talk on utilizing Apache Karaf for building an IoT plattform in no time at the EclipseCon Europe 2015.

He showed his guests that even the old-fashioned Java boy must not hide behind the Rails and Django youngsters and is able to bring up a complete platform without writing nearly any code and in shortest time thanks to Karaf's Features.

His playground consisted of a Raspberry Pi with a Sensor Hat which published its sensor data via some Python Bindings to an ActiveMQ instance. At the server side Apache Aries' Blueprint implementation glued the required components on top of Apache Karaf together. The frontend facing API was realized with Apache CXF and provided the AngularJS with the required data for a shiny web-based user interface.